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Find a Doctor, Hospital or Pharmacy

Doctor with patient

Check the provider search online directory

Use the provider search online directory to find doctors, hospitals and pharmacies that participate in our EPO network. To find Tier 1 providers, please use the Tier 1 provider specific listing below. The easy-to-use search tool lets you find the right provider in a snap. Just enter a name, ZIP code, condition, procedure or specialty in the search box. You’ll also find maps, directions and more. When you visit health care providers in this network, it will be more cost-effective.

Your Aetna Student Health Plan allows you to choose where to receive care from a network provider*, please note out of network coverage is not covered on your EPO plan.

Go to Provider Search

Simple Ways to Use Our Provider Search Tool (PDF)

Save when you see any in network EPO provider -- it's your choice

Visit a network provider**

Network providers work with Aetna to offer you rates that are often much lower than their regular fees. This helps you save. Your network provider will provide care and:

  • Get approval from Aetna before giving you certain services***
  • File claims for you

Find a network provider

You can also request a printed directory. Visit our Contact Us page to call or email member services, and we’ll send it to you.

Tier 1 Stanford Care Providers:

Aetna Specialty Pharmacy

Aetna Specialty Pharmacy provides specialty medications and support to members living with chronic conditions and illnesses. These medications are usually injected or infused, or some may be taken orally. Custom compounded doses and forms are also available.

For additional information please go to the Aetna Specialty Pharmacy website

Aetna Specialty Pharmacy refers to Aetna Specialty Pharmacy, LLC, a subsidiary of Aetna Inc., which is a licensed pharmacy that operates through specialty prescription fulfillment.

*Network providers are independent contractors and are neither employees nor agents of Aetna Life Insurance Company or their affiliates. Neither Aetna Life Insurance Company nor their affiliates provide medical care or treatment and they are not responsible for outcomes. The availability of a particular provider(s) cannot be guaranteed and network composition is subject to change.

**Remember: In case of emergency, call 911 or your local emergency hotline, or go directly to an emergency care facility.

***In Texas, this approval is known as “pre-service utilization review” and is not “verification” as defined by Texas law.